Monday, August 16, 2010

If David Cameron will say:

On August 10, 2010, Japanese Prime Minister Kan Naoto, like all his predecessors,apologized to South Korea for Japan's annexation of the country in August 1910. The Japanese colonial rule over South Korea lasted for 36 years, which ended in August 1945.

Similarly, with a wishful thinking, there are many people who wish to hear from the UK Prime Minister David Cameron to offering the following statement (adapted and modified from PM Kan Naoto's statement):

"This year is the 65th Anniversary of the end of the War World II in Asia and the Pacific region. Thus, this year marks a significant juncture for the United Kingdom and all its Commonwealth member countries in Asia such as Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore and others. Since our colonial rule in those countries from the mid-19th Century, people of that time were deprived of their basic rights, and their national pride was deeply scarred by the colonial rule which was imposed against their will under the colonial circumstances......................

I would like to face history with sincerity. I would like to have courage to squarely confront the facts of history and humility to accept them, as well as to be honest to reflect upon the errors of our own. Those who render pain tend to forget it while those who suffered cannot forget it easily. To the tremendous damage and sufferings that our colonial rule caused, and still continue to suffer from our colonial legacies in several of those Commonwealth countries, I express here my feelings of deep remorse and my heartfelt apology.

Guided by such understanding, ...............I will in all sincerity to undertake the assistance to many Indian, Sri Lankan, Burmese, Chinese and other ethnics, who have remained in another Commonwealth country as a result of forced labor during our colonial rule. I will transfer precious antiquities of British Museum, which were originated but confistigated from our Asia Commonwealth countries during our colonial rule...............

Our Asian Commonwealth countries have become the most important and closest nations for the UK now in this twenty-first century, sharing such values as democracy, freedom, and market economy. Our relationship is not confined to our bilateral relations, but rather it is a partnership where we cooperate and exercise leadership for the peace and prosperity of the world by encompassing a broad spectrum of agenda the international community, the growth and development of the world's economy, as well as issues of global scale such as nuclear disarmament, climate change, poverty and peace-building.

At this significant juncture of history, I strongly hope that our bond will become even more profound and solid between the UK and our Asian Commonwealth countries, and I declare my determination to make every ceaseless effort to open the future between our two nations."

Queen save the Prime Minister, salute and prayer!!

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