Saturday, March 22, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim, and viva People Power in Malaysia

Anwar Ibrahim, the champion of justice, freedom, harmony and democracy appears as the cover page of Newsweek (Asia Edition, March 24, 2008). The caption correctly illustrates his political comeback.

The ex-Deputy Prime Minister was sacked in 1998 for going against "Mahathirism" by advocating greater transparency and accountability in the government and ruling parties. He was jailed between 1998 to 2003, in which the conviction was political driven. Although prohibited from political activities in Malaysia until April 15, 2008, Anwar Ibrahim successfully led the opposition coalition (his party Justice Party, Democratic Action Party and Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party) to an unprecedated outcome in the 12th General Election since Malaysia's independence in August 1957. Anwar's coalition (with 40%--about 3.6 million popular votes) denied the ruling coalition two-third majority, by capturing 82 seats against 140 seats of the ruling coalition. Many obervations assert that if it would have been a fair and clean election, Anwar's coalition may have won by a simple majority (i.e., 112 seats).

Anwar is expected to return to political arena through a by-election in May, many Malaysian (regardless of races, gender and ages) are awaiting eagerly for his leadership for creating a fairer equitable society, higher economic efficiency, higher standard of education, lesser crimes, freer and just society for all Malaysian regardless of racial background.


Anonymous said...

welcome back to blogging but sorry cannot appreciate japanese le.................anyway please write more in english!

Freedom said...

Thanks. Will try to do so.