Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Malaysia: why not aims higher?

PM Najib Razak argued that "Malaysia is not as corrupted as international media claims" on 18 May. For details, read this FMT's article.

PM Najib Razak rationalized his statement by elaborating that Malaysia has improved three ranks higher to 50th in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index 2014 (CPI) . Also, he cited the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business 2014 (EDB)  that Malaysia is ranked 18th. He also emphasized that "Bloomberg has rated Malaysia as the 5th most promising emerging market in 2015 and the only ASEAN country in its "Top 10.""

This blogger insists to compare Malaysia with Singapore. As such, Singapore is ranked the first in EDB, whereas it is ranked 7th in CPI. If Singapore have achieved such impressive results, why not Malaysia? This is not a "RM42 billion" question!

It is indeed disappointing that as the Malaysian leader, PM Najib Razak did not make a case that Malaysian must not be satisfied with its present rating by EDD, CPI and Bloomberg. Instead, he ought to have pushed the country to strive for TOP 10 lists of ranking.

Insha'Allah, Malaysia surely can delivers better results or should fellow Malaysians continue to chant Malaysia Boleh lah....!!!??

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