Sunday, May 31, 2015

Malaysian economy catching up with Singapore: Back-of-the-envelope calculation

Prime Minister Dato' Sri Najib Razak presented the 11th Malaysia Economic Plan (MEP) for 2016-2020 to the Parliament on 21 May 2015. This plan is titled Anchoring Growth on People. Essentially, this 5-years plan envisages that per capital gross national income (GNI) will expand to RM54,000 (US$15,690) from RM36,937 in 2015 in current price. In order to achieve this target, Malaysian government has set an annual growth rate of 5-6%. The anticipated result will make Malaysia as a fully developed nation by 2020, which is defined as per capita GNI above US$15,000. The target is consistent with the goal set forth in Vision 2020 launched in 1991. The projected annual growth rate over the next 5 years is realistic and achievable if all ingredients prepared for the growth menu are fully utilized.

Having said that, however, the economic strength of Malaysia in terms of per capita GNI is and will continue to be far behind Singapore. Assuming 5-6% is the potential growth rate, Malaysia may achieve a higher growth rate, say at 7% annually until 2030. Let also assume that Singapore's economy will growth at 2.1% (the projected annual growth rate of developed nations in the 11th MEP). Per capital GNI in 2013 for Malaysia and Singapore was $10,430 and $54040, respectively. By 2030, Malaysia will have a per capita GNI of $32,946, whereas a Singaporean national income will reach $76,940--2.3 times higher.

If convergence hypothesis applies to these two countries, in order for Malaysian per capita GNI to converge to the same level of Singapore by year 2030, Malaysia's annual growth rate would have to set at 12.5% for the period between 2013-2030. This is indeed a herculean task, if not an impossible mission!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015



バブル経済の末期であった1990年1月に遡ってみると、就業者数は6,188万人であったのに対して完全失業者数は139万人であった。 2000年1月にはそれぞれ6,450万人、318万人であった。安倍晋三氏が再び総理大臣に就任した翌月(2013年1月)では就業者数と完全失業者数はそれぞれ6,289万人、279万人であった。最新の数字によれば、2015年4月に就業者数は6,338万人であり、完全失業者数は219万人であった。


アベノミクスの最も大きなウェートを置いてきた黒田日本銀行総裁の「異次元の金融緩和」という側面から評価してみよう。つまり、第一本の矢はマネタリー・ベースで約300兆円となっており、円対ドルの為替レートは40%以上減価されてきた。前者は未だに総合CPIが0.6%となり、2%目標に達していない。後者は輸出依存の企業または海外で直接投資等の収益や所得に依存する企業にとって収益が拡大し続いている反面、輸入依存の企業や民間消費等にとって 財・サービスが高くなってきたのは多くの人々が実感しているに違いない。


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Malaysia: why not aims higher?

PM Najib Razak argued that "Malaysia is not as corrupted as international media claims" on 18 May. For details, read this FMT's article.

PM Najib Razak rationalized his statement by elaborating that Malaysia has improved three ranks higher to 50th in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index 2014 (CPI) . Also, he cited the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business 2014 (EDB)  that Malaysia is ranked 18th. He also emphasized that "Bloomberg has rated Malaysia as the 5th most promising emerging market in 2015 and the only ASEAN country in its "Top 10.""

This blogger insists to compare Malaysia with Singapore. As such, Singapore is ranked the first in EDB, whereas it is ranked 7th in CPI. If Singapore have achieved such impressive results, why not Malaysia? This is not a "RM42 billion" question!

It is indeed disappointing that as the Malaysian leader, PM Najib Razak did not make a case that Malaysian must not be satisfied with its present rating by EDD, CPI and Bloomberg. Instead, he ought to have pushed the country to strive for TOP 10 lists of ranking.

Insha'Allah, Malaysia surely can delivers better results or should fellow Malaysians continue to chant Malaysia Boleh lah....!!!??

Friday, May 15, 2015

PISA Results: Awakening Call for Malaysia!?

OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 shows that 15 years old Malaysian are far less capable than Singapore in understanding and applying their knowledge in mathematics, reading and science.

Malaysia is ranked 52 out of 65 countries in Mathematics. OECD average mean score in this subject is 494. Malaysia scored 421 whereas Singapore is 573 and is thus it is ranked 2nd. As for reading, OECD average mean score is 496. But Malaysia's score is 398 whereas Singapore is 542. In science, Malaysian students achieved 420 whereas their peers in Singapore attained 551 vis-a-via OECD's average of 501.

Equally astonishing, not withstanding a higher teachers' salaries in Malaysia--relative to per capita GDP, which is about 210%, the performance of Malaysian 15 years old students did not commensurate to the public resources allocated for. On the contrary, Singaporean teachers' salaries were about 130% but their 15 years old performed extremely well in comparison not only to Malaysia but with other 64 countries. Thai students even performed better than Malaysian students with with lower teachers' salaries, i.e., 125% of per capita GDP.

Malaysian policy decision makers and legislators are shocked of the Malaysian students' performance in PISA. For example, DPM cum Minister of Education Muhyiddin Yassin expressed his shocked--"The issue that we are why our education system is not as advanced as developed countries despite the huge funds being pumped into the education." Furthermore, MP Ong Kian Ming raised his concern--".........we are far from being anywhere close to a 'world-class' education system at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels."

My previous posting highlighted why there is a huge differences Malaysia and Singapore in terms of development level being measured in GDP per capita. This broad query indeed applies to many other problems (such as 15 years old capability in mathematics, reading and science) in Malaysia. It is hoped that PISA result is the awakening call for Malaysian leaders and policy decision makers in undertaking measures to improve the social economic situations that are indeed objectively far from satisfactory!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Malaysia and Singapore: Why the Difference?

When Malaysia and Singapore separated in 1965, their economic conditions were almost the same. But 50 years after, the economic strength of Singapore is greater than Malaysia. GDP per capital at current price for Malaysia and Singapore was US$10,538 and US$55,182, respectively, in 2013. Singapore is five times higher than Malaysia.

In terms of constant 2005 US$, it was US$1,173 and US$2,915, respectively, in 2013. In purchasing power parity 2001 international dollar, it was $22,589 and $78,237, respectively, in 2013. The graphs below show the distinct differences between the two countries.

Both countries were British colonies and thus inherited with quite similar political and economic institutions at the time of their independence. However, those initial conditions did not warrant a similar economic performances over time. Is this different outcome the result of leadership or the outcome of different economic policies or a combination of these two broadly defined factors?

Most likely, it does not require a genius or a Nobel economics laureate to explain the underlying reason. Instead, it is obvious that the citizens in both countries could explain what made the difference quite easily.

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Historians' Open Letter to Mr. Shinzo Abe

On 7 May, 187 historians--including renowned scholars like Ronald P. Dore, John W. Dower, Akira Iriye, Tetsuo Najita, Ezra F. Vogel--have written an Open Letter to Mr Shinzo Abe ("Open Letter in Support of Historians in Japan").


"This year presents an opportunity for the government of Japan to show leadership by addressing Japan’s history of colonial rule and wartime aggression in both words and action......"

"The process of acknowledging past wrongs strengthens a democratic society and fosters cooperation among nations. Since the equal rights and dignity of women lie at the core of the “comfort women” issue, its resolution would be a historic step toward the equality of women and men in Japan, East Asia and the world."

Mr. Abe, in preparing your statement for the 70th Anniversary of WWII, it is wise and also will surely be useful by studying [sic.] the speech delivered by the late President Richard von Weizsacker (then President of West Germany) on 8 May 1985.

If not, then you will be judged as: "only a fool learns from experience, the wise man learns from history."

Friday, May 08, 2015


米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のイエレン議長は5月6日に米国の株価は「かなり高い(quite high)」と指摘した。イエレン議長の発言は株価の割高に対する口先介入であろう。その結果、6日のNYダウは-82ドル、7日の日経平均は-239円、香港ハンセンは-350HKドル、上海総合は-117元、ロンドンのFTSE100は-46GBP等の主要株式市場の指数が揃って下落した。今後、果たして主要なマーケットの株価はイエレン議場の警鐘を受けて適切に調整されるのだろうかと細心の注意を払いたい。

90年代のITバブル期に、グリーンスパン元FRB議長が1996年末に「根拠なき熱狂(irrational exuberance)」という表現で米国の株高に警鐘を鳴らしたが、株高の趨勢は2000にかけて続いた。株価とは将来の期待利益から形成される。その期待感は株の売手と買手各々によって異なる。口先介入はその期待感に対して影響を与えようとしているが、現実に株の売り買いという需給の調整に及ぼすのに時間が要する。したがって、グリーンスパン氏の警鐘は無視されたままに株価が上昇し続いたのである。

イエレン議長の警鐘は恐らく短期的に効果がないと考える。上述したようにマーケットの株価指数は揃って下落したが、それも極短期間(一日二日程度)の変動であるに違いない。米国の株高は実物経済における各々関係企業の期待利益を反映されているとは限らない。最も株式市場への資金流入は先進国・地域の0.0〜0.5%の金利、ならびに量的緩和によって引き起こされた結果である。株の保有者(購入者)は有り余った資金を株式市場に投資し、金利より高い配当と株価のキャピタルゲインの両方から利益を追求しようとしている。その結果、株価は実物経済と乖離し、株の投資家は自己 充足的予言(self-fulfilling prophecy)の行動を取ってしまうのである。つまり、皆が株に投資するから株価は上昇し、その結果、株価は現実に上昇するに違いない。


Thursday, May 07, 2015

The Rise of Renminbi

The Financial Times on 5 May has an article entitled "China share in global indices set to rise."

You can read it in less than 5 minutes. Quite persuasive in terms of Renminbi long-term value and its increasing role in the international economy. If you are convinced, perhaps you should park your savings in Renminbi-denominated assets.

Oops, standard disclaimer applies here: "this article is not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular investment or course of action."


