Tuesday, November 17, 2015







デジタル社会における変化が激しい。つまり、情報量が増加したのみならず、その伝達方法も広く、活字の新聞・雑誌、そして 出版物などの伝統メディアに加え、デジタル情報が絶えず、伝わってくる。一つのことを十分に消化しないままに、次のことが舞い込んでくるというデジタル情報に付いていけないのは私一人だけではあるまい。その伝達量と手段が増加した中で、受け身となっている一般人は結局目の前に留まる情報を素早く頭の中を通過してそれを忘れ去ってしまう。


Thursday, October 15, 2015

Nobel Prize in Economics 2015: Professor Angus Deaton

Professor Angus Deaton is awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics on 12 October. The selection committee has awarded the prize to Professor Deaton because of the following reason:

"The consumption of goods and services is a fundamental determinant of human welfare. The distribution of consumption among individuals has a bearing on many important issues--including inequality and poverty – in society’s economic, political and social domains. In most countries, aggregate consumption is the largest component of aggregate demand and, as such, accounts for much of the time variation in economic activity. For a given level of income, consumption determines savings and thus investment through the supply of capital. It is thus quite natural that consumption has been at the center of economic research throughout the last century. 

Over the last three to four decades, the study of consumption has progressed enormously. While many scholars have contributed to this progress, Angus Deaton stands out. He has made several fundamental and interconnected contributions that speak directly to the measurement, theory, and empirical analysis of consumption."  (The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel)

I am delighted that Professor Deaton is awarded the Nobel Prize for at least three reasons.

First, I have been a keen follower of his works in the study of poverty particularly the measurement of relative and absolute poverty. He works have contributed enormously to the living standard measurements in the developing world conducted by the World Bank.

Second, my student's Ph.D. dissertation on "Empirical Analysis of Consumer Behaviors in Urban China"has applied Professor Deaton's model of demand systems known as Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), which he developed jointly with Professor John Muelbauer, in explaining individuals and households consumer behaviors in Chinese urban areas.

Third, another student's Ph.D. thesis investigated the impact on inequality in Laos caused by economic growth fueled by FDI inflows to the natural resources sector. The analysis was based on data sets collected from nation-wide household surveys conducted in 2002/03 and 2007/08. The basic framework of household surveys in Laos was designed based on the World Bank's "Designing Household Survey Questionnaires for Developing Countries project" in which Professor Deaton contributed substantially.

The official commendation of Nobel Prize in Economics to Professor Deaton is available here: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economic-sciences/laureates/2015/advanced-economicsciences2015.pdf

Monday, October 12, 2015











Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Economists are "Mathiness"!?

Paul Romer, a professor of economics at New York University, claims that economics profession is becoming more "mathiness." In order to justify that economics is a scientific discipline, more and more economists and those younger students of economics striving to establish themselves in the so called scientific community strive to compete their ideas or views for explaining human behaviors or people's action in real situation by using mathematical models.

Instead of logical thinkings, the contentions between economists are in contesting sophistication of mathematical equations or in challenging how best a mathematical specification can be tested by data either in the form covering a certain period of time or in a given time.

These increasing tendencies of "mathiness" have caused serious discrepancies between actual fact and policy responses. Worst still, the "mathiness" often become a justification for small interest groups in achieving their specific goals instead of pushing for the common that benefits people at large. One of the crucial role of a scientist is to contribute to the betterment of humanity, but seemingly economists have not shouldered that responsibility sufficiently if "mathiness" was a requirement to joining the scientific community.

To read Professor Romer's view on "mathiness": URL: http://paulromer.net/mathiness/

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Global Competitiveness: Malaysia Ranks18th

World Economic Forum's flagship index--the Global Competitiveness Index--ranks Malaysia No. 18 out of 140 countries. The ranking moved up from the 20th in previous year. The top three are Switzerland, Singapore and the U.S., same ranking as last year. Malaysia is ranked the highest among the upper middle-income countries (the World Bank's classification in 2015: $4,125-$2,736).

PM Najib Razak and his cabinet ministers must be very happy of this result. Syabas Malaysia. Lets try to get into Club Top 10 next year.

For more details: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-09-29/these-are-the-10-most-competitive-countries-in-the-world

Friday, September 18, 2015


 大阪のとあるホテルのエレベーターで3人の中国家族と乗り合わせた。夫婦は40代後半、娘は高校生の年齢のようである。この家族は買い物の帰りで、いくつの袋に様々な ものが詰まっていると見える。非常に短い時間で、以下の会話が聞こえた。







Monday, September 07, 2015






 このような無駄は他の省庁でも起きている。財政赤字の削減はやはり数億 から数百億単位の効果のない政策から始めるべきである。「積もれば山となる」とあるように、役人の無駄使いを少しでも止めさせれば、国の借金も確実に減っていく。それはゆっくりではあるが確実に成果が出る。

Saturday, September 05, 2015


  9月4日に「予算 増が止まらない」と題する政府支出の増加を指摘した。多くの国会議員は財政赤字の削減に関心を示さないのみならず、その拡大はやむを得ないと容認する態度を見せている。より深刻なのは、霞が関の官僚と共にこの国をより良くするために、様々な手当てをしなけれならないという名目で、税金を無駄に使っており、その無駄は今後もさらに多くなる。1つの投稿にはその無駄の例を紹介仕切れないので、今回は文部科学省を当てることにする。

 文科省の役人は日本の教育を最も真剣に考えると自負している。彼らは絶えず国民の教育レベルの向上に多くの政策実施に政治家を取り入れ、予算を獲得してきたのである。日本の教育財政支出の対GDP費はOECD加盟国の中で低いランクにある。文科省の役人がそれを理由に、より多くの予算を教育部門に充当するよう様々な形で財政資金を獲得している。この20年間には、ゆとり教育、大学の一般教育よりも専門教育の重視、 国公立大学は大学院を中心にする教育と研究の重点化、法科大学院の奨励等の政策を重点的に行ってきた。その間に投入された資金がもたらした効果は皆無であると多く指摘されている。

 ゆとり教育の結果、大学へ進学する大学生の基礎知識レベルが劣化している。大学の一般教養課程の廃止によって教養水準が低い大卒者は多く社会に送り出されている。同時に、低い教養でタコツボ化の専門家を多く育成し、政治・社会・経済などの環境の変化に対応することが出来ず、その結果、能力が伴わない修士号や博士号という高学歴の余剰労働者が堆積してしまっている。さらに、法科大学院が多く設立されたが、教育の質をモニターせず、国家試験に合格できる修了者の比率が驚くほど低い。その結果、多数の法科大学院は教育の質の担保が出来なかったと判明され、廃止を追い込まざるを得ない。のみならず、定員 割れで募集を停止している法科大学院も多い。







Friday, September 04, 2015


 2016年度の一般会計予算概算 額は102兆4,000億円となることが明らかになった。この概算額は2015年度の当初予算額の96兆3,420億円より、6兆580億円の増加(6.29%増)となる。その増加は国の借金返済、医療・年金等社会保障関係費、および成長戦略等重点政策費(3.9兆円分)等によるものであると説明されている。安倍晋三が二回目の総理に就任してから、一般会計の予算は増えている一方であり、由々しき事態である。




Thursday, September 03, 2015


 東京5輪の準備に関して新東京国立競技場および五輪エンブレムを巡ってトラブルが連発している。前者について何時の間に建設費が2,500億円を超え、専門家や国民の多くから厳しく批判された結果、当該競技場のデザインを見直し、建設費を1,500億円という上限が設定された。後者はベルギー劇場のロゴを盗作した疑惑が持たれ、五輪組織委員会が 当該エンブレムの使用中止を決定する余儀をなくされた。



Thursday, August 27, 2015



 株価は企業の将来利益によって形成される。中国のGDP成長率が下がるという見通しの中で、上海株式市場に上場されている中国企業の将来収益も減少していくと見込まれ、よって 株の価値も減ると投資家が判断し、それが株価の調整をもたらしたという図式である。さらに、中国の経済成長率が下がるので、対中国への輸出も減る(あらゆるモノ)ので、関係国の企業収益も減少すると投資家らに見通され、世界株安が引き起こされたのである。そうした中でも、ヘージファンドは非常に短期間(数時間から1〜2日程度)に、そうした 株式市場の状態を利用し、投機的な取引を促し、株式相場の乱高下をもたらした。



Thursday, August 20, 2015


 2015年4〜6月 期四半期GDP成長率は実質ベースでは-0.4%となり、年率換算すれば-1.6%となった。実質GDPの成長率は前期(2015年1〜3月 期)の1.1%から反落した。日本経済は一進一退の状態が続いている。また、デフレ経済が続いている中で、実質GDP成長率よりも名目値の方が実態に近いと良く指摘されている。名目に沿ってみると名目GDP成長率は0.0%となり、年率換算すると0.1%の成長率となる。名目値においても前四半期の2.2%から下がった。




Friday, July 31, 2015

Quiz for JPY100/RM3

The lip of truth shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

It seems to me that this proverb exemplifies two individuals. Ring a bell?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

PM Najib Razak New Cabinet Line Up: 28 July 2015

Click here: PM Najib Razak New Cabinet Line Up.

A self-proclaimed transformational leader, will PM Najib Razak with his new cabinet members transform Malaysia into a freer, more transparent, more democratic, enhanced multi-racial society--1 Malaysia?

Insha' Allah.

Friday, July 24, 2015




日本では「異次元金融緩和」は果たして物価上昇をもたらすのかという問いについて当面回答が得られないと思う。一般的に、日米欧の中央銀行は金融政策の運用に「フォワード・ルッキング(forward looking)」という手法が定着しており、市場に対して次期以降にわたって政策の最適化を調整する必要があり、そのためにベンチマックの指標を設定しなければならない。FRBのエレン議長は失業率と非農業部門の就業者数という二つの指標を重視している。それに対して、黒田総裁のフォワード・ルッキングのベンチマークは総合CPIや失業率の指標ではなく、「あらゆる角度から見て物価は確実に上昇する傾向にある」というセリフである。ブルームバーグ社はこれまでの黒田総裁の発言に呆れており、遂に皮肉的に「日本銀行はインフレを想像しているのみ(Bank of Japan Only Imagines Inflation)」と題する記事を発信した。その通りであると拍手を送りたい。


Stephen Harnerは安倍総理の安保法案が成立されれば、それが日米安保条約を撤廃するきっかけになると指摘している。当該エッセイは「Abe's Security Law Putsch: The Undoing of the US-Japan Alliance」と題し、説得力がある。


Thursday, July 23, 2015


政府は22日に東シナ海における中国のガス田開発の海洋プラットフォーム12基の航空写真を公表した。政府はこれらの建設について既に第1基を2013年6月に確認されており、 第2期以降の建設をもモニタリングしてきた。東シナ海で日中の境界を明確に画定されていないが、12基の施設は日中中間線の中国の海域で作られているようである。また、当海域でのガス田開発を巡って両国は2010年7月27日に条約締結交渉を開始したが、尖閣諸島沖で起きた中国の漁船と海上保安庁の巡視船との衝突事件によって交渉が中止されたままである。にもかかわるず、中国は一方的に自分の海域内で強行に施設の建設を行っている。その行為は日本にとって由々しき事態であるのは明らかである。





Sunday, July 19, 2015



雇用者(買手)は労働者を「非正規の職員・従業員」として採用する最大な理由の一つとして労働コストの抑制である。政府の正社員化に対する助成金の支給は雇用者のコスト増を軽減させる効果がある。「非正規の職員・従業員」は正社員に転換すれば、給料 の増加のみならず、健康保険料や厚生年金保険 料等は労使折半になるというメリットを受けられる。



年収510万円に該当する女性の職種は次の通りである。看護師は511.3万円(平均年齢は31,4歳)、薬剤師は510.3万円(33.3歳)、准看護師は487.3万円(41.4歳)、福祉施設介護員は364.7万円(33.5歳)、ホーム・ヘルバーは362万円(41.5歳)、幼稚園教諭は292.2万円(29.4歳)、である。他方、男性に関して保育士(保母・保父)は 508万円(39.6歳)、看護師は476万円(29.5歳)、理学療法士・作業療法士は456万円(31.8歳)、準看護師は423万円(39.8歳)、福祉施設介護員は316万円(29.5歳)、看護補助員は249万円(28.5歳)、である。


Friday, July 17, 2015


中国統計局によれば、2015年第2四半期(4〜6月期)のGDP成長率は1.7%伸び(季節調整済)、季節調整を除いて年率に換算して前年同期比7.0%の成長率である。中国のGDP規模は約1,200兆円(約60兆元)であり、年率7%の成長 とは約84兆円の増加に相当する。中国の経済規模が大きくなればなるほど、その伸び率が従来より低くなったとしても金額的に大きなものとなるのは明らかである。



Wednesday, July 15, 2015



That assembly is no assembly which does not have in it elders
Those who do not speak according to dharma are no elders
That dharma is no dharma which is not rooted in truth
and that truth is no truth which is full of deviousness or cunning



(出所:SPF、2007、『日本とインドの文明間対話』、p. 97)




Thursday, July 09, 2015



これらの領域に関わる具体的な取り組みを実施するために、日本は2016年度より3年間で7,500億円のODAを関係国に供与することを表明した。 日本は当首脳会議を通じてこれまで3年置きに関係国に対する経済支援の規模を約束してきた。既に2009年に第1回首脳会議では5,000億円、2012年に第4回では6,000億円を供与していた。今回の供与額を合わせると計18,500億円となった。また、安倍総理および岸田外相は日本の供与額がメコン諸国における「良質なインフラ(quality infrastructure)」と「良質な成長(quality growth)」の推進に貢献することにあると強調した。




次に、米国のTransparency Internationalが作成した175カ国の「腐敗認識指数2014」によれば、ラオス、カンボジア、ミャンマー、タイとベトナムはそれぞれ145位、156位、156位、119位、85位となっている(ちなみに、日本は15位である)。貴重な税金で賄うODAを供与し、メコン諸国との協力・連携を強化するどころか、各関係国の腐敗を助長する懸念を払拭することができない。

第三に、「良質なイフラ」とは 高品質、安全、環境保全や持続可能な開発を確保することを保障するインフラのことを指す。また、「良質なインフラ」は効率な経済成長をもたらすことも意味する。前者に関して政府間の国際協力や企業部門において欠かせない行動規範となりつつある。後者については希少な資源である資本を効率的に使用することである。そして、「良質な成長」とは人、社会、経済、環境等の諸側面に対して優しく、かつ包括的な経済成長のことを指す。「良質なインフラ」は「良質な成長」の実現にとって必要条件であることが明らかである。カンボジア、ラオス、タイ、ベトナムの2000-2014年の期間における限界資本生産量比率(incremental capital output ratio, ICOR)の平均値を試算してみれば、それぞれは17.6、2.5、29.3、3.5である。つまり、1単位の成長を実現するために、それぞれの国は17.6単位、2.5単位、29.3単位、3.5単位の投資が必要とする意味である。明らかにカンボジアとタイは極めて投資の効率性が悪い。そうした観点から、「良質なインフラ」を推進するために日本のODAを供与すると日本政府が考えているのであろう。しかしながら、果たして投資効率が悪い経済に日本のODAによって「良質なインフラ」が確立されるかという疑問が残る。


Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Presumption of Innocence

The Wall Street Journal (2 July) claims that PM Najib Razak received about US$681 million transfer to his personal account on 21 and 25 March 2013. PM Najib Razak has denied and declared that: "I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents--whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed." In light of this allegation, there are tons of rumors and speculations flying everywhere within and outside Malaysia.

Many observers have asked a valid question: why PM Najib did not deny outrightly that he does not has a bank account in AM Private Banking; or if PM Najib indeed owns a bank account in AM Private Banking, why he did not deny he did not receive the alleged transfer. Either one is a US$681 million question.

There are already people who speculated that PM Najib spent that sum in 2013 General Election which was held on 5 May 2013. Under his leadership, Barisan National received 5,237,699 popular votes that brought 133 parliamentary seats. Contrary the opposition--Pakatan Rakyat--received 5,623,984 popular votes that brought them 89 parliamentary seats. Notwithstanding lesser popular votes, Barisan National became the ruling coalition in which PM Najib continued to serve as the Prime Minister.

If the alleged sum was used in the election, then PM Najib had hijacked at least 21 seats from the opposition (simple majority: 112-seats). In this scenario, then the cost of a parliamentary seat was about US$32.43 million. The unit cost might be lower if vote-buyings were spread evenly across all 222 constituents (about US$3.07 million per constituent). Or, the alleged sum was spent on every vote for Barisan National, then the cost of a vote was US$130 (about RM450 in May 2013).

If the claim by Wall Street Journal is corroborated, then its quite natural to ask where PM Najib has spent that fund. If that fund was spent in the last general election as being speculated, then will the Election Commission declared that election is void and it will recall a general election? How much is this question worth?

Anyhow, presumption of innocence has to apply to PM Najib--presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Implementing Minimum Wage in Myanmar: Good Intent but be Vigilant

The debates of enacting minimum wage law in Myanmar have been continuing in the past two years but there is still no definite outcome. Recently, President Thein Sein has informed Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representative) that the government will propose a minimum wage policy at the end of June. Pyithu Hluttaw will then have 60-day period to debate and comment on the government’s proposal. On that basis, the government will decide the minimum wage before November. President Thein Sein’s initiative on minimum wage is seen as a crucial decision by the government ahead of the forthcoming general election in November.

Minimum wage is the wage floor of employed people. Minimum wage policy is controversial among economists. The advocates assert that minimum wage helps to ensure every employed person receives an income that is above the minimum cost of living. The difference between subsistence and a wage warranted by minimum wage becomes an enhanced incentive for workers. Moreover, minimum wage promotes fair competition in the labor market. The opponents argue that minimum wage causes higher labor cost that is not determined by demand and supply. Particularly, if the minimum wage for the un-skilled or low-skilled workers is set above market clearing wage (i.e., market equilibrium wage), it causes a higher unemployment rate for this group of labor supply.

Minimum wage can become a double-edge sword. Although the employed people are better off from the minimum wage, but it affects the employers’ affordability for wage payment. There are numerous empirical evidences in the developing countries that sudden introduction of minimum wage that is above employers’ payment ability had indeed triggered the closure of marginal firms. Thus, in Myanmar’s context, defining what are the appropriate levels of minimum wage across a spectrum of industries and in the Union territories across regions and states have to be supported by convincing empirical evidences. Equally important, as a latecomer in the increasing integrated world economy, Myanmar has to take into account of the following points as the terms of reference for setting a minimum wage policy.

First, Myanmar is still a low-income country according to the classification of the World Bank. The share of agricultural sector in gross domestic products (GDP) is higher than the share of industrial sector. This implies that whereas agricultural sector is endowed with abundance of labor and most of them are self-employed and their incomes are at subsistence, while industrial sector is still at rudimentary stage but it can certainly achieve a relatively high growth rate if there is sufficient capital. The present conditions in Myanmar can adopt Lewis model for promoting industrialization. In the nutshell, Lewis model depicts that industrialization is the development process of absorbing surplus labor from agricultural sector to industrial sector. As a consequence, industrial sector can maintain a competitive wage at subsistence level until surplus labor is exhausted. From this theory, it becomes apparent that the wage floor of minimum wage has to be the subsistence wage until surplus labor is exhausted. Minimum wage above the subsistence level induces unemployment in cities as a result of rural-urban labor migration. These unemployed migrants in turn cause the formation of informal sector or urban slums that exacerbate poverty and inequality.

Secondly, a profit-maximizing employer wants to pay a wage that minimizes total labor costs. That level of wage is known as efficiency wage and it is higher than market clearing wage. Market clearing wage is the market equilibrium wage but efficiency wage is higher than market clearing wage. Efficiency wage minimizes total labor costs because it induces a higher labor productivity that offsets the difference between efficient wage and market clearing wage. Put differently, the net gain of labor productivity from efficiency wage is higher than the wage differential between efficiency wage and market clearing wage, hence efficiency wage in fact brings down total labor costs. In this regard, if minimum wage was set above market clearing wage, then it becomes an incentive for the employees to raise their labor productivity. Conversely, if minimum wage was set at or below market clearing wage, there is no incentive for employees to improve their productivity. Worse still, the turnover rate instead will increase in this case, which consequently causes higher labor costs.

Thirdly, labor market is characterized by the asymmetry of information between employers and employees. As such, by paying the market-clearing wage, employers are unsure if they are able to retain their employees for a reasonable period. In order to reduce turnover rates, employers incline to pay efficiency wage so as to motivate their workers to remain in their firms. Furthermore, efficiency wage is also an incentive for the workers to raise their productivity. In this context, the concern for the employers is what is the appropriate level of efficiency wage. Efficiency wage is influenced by at least two factors. The first one is with regard to the wage paid by other firms. In other words, if other firms are paying a lower efficiency wage, then for the firm concerned there is only a need to pay slightly higher efficiency wage to motivate its workers. Equally crucial, an employee in the firm concerned clearly knows that if he or she is dismissed, the opportunity to receive similar wage is low. The second factor is the unemployment rate. A higher unemployment rate motivates firm to set a lower efficiency wage. In this situation, it is apparent for a worker to recognize that it is not easy to seek another employment opportunity that gives the same efficiency wage.

If Myanmar will adapt an outward-oriented development strategy—that has characterized the development process of most of the East Asian countries, it is crucial to set a correct level of minimum wage. Myanmar’s labor cost is lower in comparison with neighboring countries. According to the survey conducted by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), average wage of a factory worker in Yangon, Dhaka, Phnom Penh, Vientiane, Colombo, Da Nang, Chennai and Bangkok was $71, $99, $101, $111, $130, $137, $199, $363, respectively, in 2014. Thus, currently the wage of Yangon’s factory workers is considered as the cheapest in South and Southeast Asian cities.

Equally important, the outward-oriented development strategy has to be consistent with Myanmar’s initial conditions, viz., abundance of labor and cheap labor cost. Utilizing these advantages, coupling export-oriented development with labor-intensive industrialization is certainly a good and realistic policy choice. Considering this crucial perspective for promoting development in general and economic growth in particular, the setting of minimum wage policy has to take into consideration of the three crucial points that this article has illustrated.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

GST and Rakyat

Free Malaysia Today reported that Jobstreet.com found that GST has tightened employees' daily allowances. For details read:

"90 per cent of employees struggling to make it under GST"

In my posting of 23 June 2015, the alleged RM42 billion accumulated debt of 1 Malaysia Development Berhad is equivalent of RM1,400 per rakyat. This sum is about 6% of GST paid to the purchase of goods and services worth RM23,333. Jobstreet.com's survey shows that the dire situation of ordinary rakyat is worse than anticipated.

Objectively, GST is a good measure to broaden tax revenue base. However, the Malaysian government has introduced it without a rigor examination by, constructive debate with, and feedback from the rakyat.

Even worse, quite a big proportion of rakyat think that GST is introduced in order to fill up the depleted government coffer which was caused by irresponsibility and unaccountable expenses by the Government. How long can this persist? There are millions of concerned rakyat on this question.


近年、東京近郊の鉄道は都内の地下鉄へ乗り入れるようになった。近郊から都内へ通う利用者にとって利便性が高まったのは事実である。しかしながら、鉄道路線の接続性が増えた反面、ちょっとした事情でも電車のダイヤルが乱れてしまう。とりわけ、休み明けや雨天 に混み合いによってある路線の電車が遅れれば、 同路線と乗り入れる路線の電車も遅れ、それがさらに別の路線に影響を及ぼすという連続的なダイヤル乱れが生じてしまう。または、混み合いによって体調が崩れた乗客があった場合も、乗り入れる路線の電車では遅延がしばしば発生する。




Saturday, June 27, 2015



与野党が推薦した参考人の憲法学者が安倍内閣の「安保法案」は違憲だと指摘したにもかかわらず、「国の平和と安全を維持し、国の存立を全うするための措置として個別と集団的自衛権は憲法の容認範囲内である」である言い突っ張る。また、翁長 雄志沖縄県知事は辺野古埋め立て反対および米軍基地の 過度な集中の是非要求に対して、琉球新聞と沖縄タイムズを潰せと発言した。多数な沖縄県民に選ばれた翁長知事に対するレジテマシーを押しつぶそうとしている。何れも民主主義の社会にとって甚だ憂わしい問題である。

かつてChaturbedi Badrinathというインド哲学者と議論したことを思い起こす。彼は「民主主義とは単に選挙をすることではない。選挙は民主主義の外形的な象徴にすぎない。民主主義の哲学とは、権威は法に従わなければならず、その 法は国家が決めるのではなく、真実と人民の幸福に根ざしてなければならいというものである」と。安倍総理は国民の信を得たからといって300議席以上を擁する与党の力で独断で憲法の枠を超えた「安保法案」を通せてはいけない。また、沖縄県民が選んだ翁長知事のマンデートを尊重すべきである。

だからといって日本は自分の力で平和と安全の維持、国家の存立を米国に委ねるべきだというつもりはない。 違憲まで国家の安全保障を確保するのではなく、堂々に国民の意を得た憲法を改正すべきである。それによって「普通な国」として防衛すると同時に、国際社会の平和、安全、そして安定を守るための軍事的な側面(限定的でも)をも含めて貢献すれば良い。


Thursday, June 25, 2015



一つの競技場を建設するのに、2,500億円の税金導入に値するかという視点は安倍総理をはじめ、文科大臣や財務大臣 等にない模様である。この費用は国民一人あたり2,000円の負担になるのみならず、既に深刻化である政府の債務にさらに加担させる。この費用負担は筆者一人だけではなく、多くの納税者にとって納得できないものである。



Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How Much is RM42 billion?

1 Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) is accused of accumulated debt of RM42 billion. 1MDB is a government owned company hence if it actually owed RM42 billion, then what is the magnitude of that debt?

Every rakyat will have to bear an average of RM1,400 (excluding interests). This amount is equivalent to 6% GST paid to the purchase of goods and services worth RM23,333, which is about 10 months of average salary for a newly university graduate.

Malaysian federal government budget expenditure for development in 2015 is about RM50.5 billion, and hence RM42 billion of 1MDB debt is equivalent to 84% of that budget allocation. With that amount of money, Malaysian federal government can allocate it to about 4 times of budget for the Prime Minister Department (RM13.0 billion allocation in 2015 budget), or about 10 times of budget for Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education (RM1.64 billion and RM2.64 billion, respective, in 2015 budget), or about 26 times of budget for Ministry of Health (RM1.60 billion in 2015 budget). In anyone case, Malaysia will surely be better off in terms of its development quality.

The estimated GST revenue in 2015 is about RM23.2 billion, hence 1MDB debt is worth 1.8 times of that revenue. Also, assuming a low cost housing for low income people is worth RM100,000 per unit, then RM42 billion can build 420,000 units that approximately can house 1.6 million to 2.1 million rakyat ( a family of 4-5 people per unit). The beneficiaries are about 5-7% of Malaysian population.

These are a few illustration of the magnitude of RM42 billion that call for serious attention from rakyat. If 1MDB debt is a false allegation, every rakyat will surely be relieved. If otherwise, every rakyat will surely be worse off for having to bear RM42 billion in the coming years.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


一般的に大学生の卒業要件は4年の在籍期間と124単位の修得である。 この二つの要件が満たされれば、○○学士という学位の資格が与えられる。言うまでもなく、それを修得するのに金が必要である。私立大学文系の学生は入学金、授業料、そして設備費等を支払、4年間では約500万円の費用となる。




このような所得の再分配は教育が投資であるならば安い補助であると言っても良い。ところが、教育は消費であると考える場合、補助金は学生のレジャーランドへの入場券として支給されるのは無駄な所得再分配となる。財政赤字の累積は1,000兆円以上の状況に、少子・高齢化が止まらない経済社会の趨勢で、今後歳入増が見込めず、むしろ歳出が増加していく。こうした情勢の中で、歳出の削減に寄与するために、私立大学の補助金給付を取りやめるべきである。さらに、その措置によって大学へ進学する費用が高まり、その支出の価値も上がり、個々の大学生が 学費の負担は貴重であると悟るのであろう。

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dollar/MMK for Thought

On 29 May, the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM) issued two circulars with immediate effect. The first circular asks governmental agencies to use Kyats (MMK) instead of US dollars (USD) for their transactions. The second circular is a policy to limit the withdrawal of US dollars to $10,000 per week for all people and organizations in Myanmar except a few international organizations such as embassies, UN agencies, bilateral aid agencies and international NGOs. For the formal, we applaud the CMB’s decision. MMK ought to be the medium for all financial transactions in Myanmar. The latter is controversial if not unfitting for the present economic situation in Myanmar. We anticipate this intervention will cause the development of black markets for exchanging MMK and US dollars.

U Mya Than, Chairman of the Yangon Foreign Exchange Committee, told Myanmar Times that “the necessity of using foreign currency for local payments tends to make exchange rate fluctuations worse. Some people speculate by buying lots of dollars or withdrawing massive amounts from their accounts that they do not actually need.” This statement has merit but it does not address the underlying reason of why people are keeping USD instead of MMK. The problem lies on the people’s confidence on MMK. Fundamentally, the confidence is strictly related to the stability of the purchasing power of MMK. This means the price level viz. the inflation rate. Myanmar monthly inflation rate has ranged between 6.5% and 7.5%, which is exceptionally high. This implies value of 1,000 MMK in May depreciates to 992.5-993.5 MMK in June. Or, a basket of goods that costs 100,000 MMK in May will require 106,500-107,000 MMK to purchase. Hence most people and firms incline to hold USD that does not devalue or it fluctuates at a very narrow band and thus it is the safest medium for savings. Put differently, USD100 in Myanmar has the same purchasing power over time disregards with the inflation rate.

Moreover, MMK has depreciated because the demand of USD has risen in the last two years. According to the CBM’s published information, the reference rates of MMK per USD on 13 August 2013 was 994 MMK and this rate has depreciated to 1,095 MMK on 4 June 2015. The daily turnover volume of USD on 13 August 2013 was merely $300, and it rose to about $5.4 millions on 18 December 2014, subsequently it went up to about $4.3 million and $2.8 million on 10 April 2015 and on 4 June 2015, respectively. At the same time, according to other source of estimate, exports were $874 million while the imports were $1,373 million, a trade deficit of $499 million. This figures show the rise of USD demand in Myanmar, which caused the depreciation of MMK.

By imposing a weekly limit of USD withdrawal will undoubtedly encourage the formation of black market exchange. Because of the CBM’s restriction, anyone who wants to have more than $10,000 transaction a week will have to seek an alternative source, which is the black market exchange. No matter how the authority wishes to restrict the availability of USD, people in market place certainly have the ability to source it informally. The restriction itself is a good policy intention, but it is a wrong instrument because it causes distortions in the foreign exchange market. Thus, the CBM should reconsider its latest approach and re-design a more appropriate measure to curb excessing demand of USD.

There are at least two alternatives. Firstly, the CBM ought to resort to interest rate in stabilizing prices and output level. Presently this measure might be difficult in Myanmar considering the CBM’s capability but this must not be a reason in avoiding the use of this policy instrument. Secondly, the restriction of USD has to be targeted at those who are not in immediate needs. More specifically, USD ought to be made available to people/firms who require that foreign currency for business transaction. For example, the CBM could allow those people/firms in export sector to exchange MMK with those people/firms who are dealing with imports. Bench marking the availability of USD by based on performances is a means for facilitating market coordination of the supply and demand of USD and MMK in the foreign exchange market. Insufficiency of USD because of trade deficit can be compensated by the rise of inward direct investments. In these contexts, we urge the policy makers in the CBM to modify its intervention by introducing those measures that are discussed here.

Monday, June 08, 2015




安倍晋三 は総理大臣として返り咲きになってから、日本経済新聞社と読売新聞社の両者共アベノミクスや安倍政治思想等と共鳴し、読者に対して安倍晋三を親しませる好感な記事を掲載してきた。3人の憲法学者の「憲法審査会」での明言は「安保法案」を支持していない多くの国民にできるだけチューン・ダウンしようとしていた。この行為は決してメディアの説明責任を果たしていないと思わざるを得ない。かつてあの戦争に関しても、メディア関係者は戦争の実態を報道せず、「前線異常なし」という「大本営発表」の形で帝国政府を手伝った。日経や読売は歴史を学ばないので、やはり愚者である。ただ、毎日新聞と朝日新聞を読んでいなかったので、議論の対象外であると付記する。


いまの憲法は 施行して丁度68年になり、それを下に日本は国際社会において最も平和を愛する国の一つとなり、日本人と国家の誇りである。この68歳になった憲法は絶えず激動する国際社会の平和を保つことが困難となったと為政者が認識しているならば、それを国民に訴え、説得した上で、憲法を改正して正当に集団的自衛権を持つようにすれば良い。憲法改正は国民の賛同が得られそうにないという理由で、「安保法案」を国会で制定しようとする行為は認めるべきではない。

Friday, June 05, 2015



ところで、1989年6月4日に生まれた中国人は26歳以下であり、その数は約4億人であると推定される。また、その事件に参加した多くの人達は大学生(当時)は45〜55歳となっていると想像する。当時一人あたりの所得は10万円未満であったが、いまではそれが約90万円に達し、26年間に9倍の増加となった。所得の増加に伴い、 老百 姓にとっての経済自由度も増してきたが、政治的な自由は依然として制限されている。

天安門事件の後、所得の向上は「共産党王朝」の崩壊をもたらし、その結果中国は分裂するとドゥームセイヤース(doom sayers、災厄を予言する人)が指摘してきた。が、生憎その兆しが全く見当たらない。むしろ、所得が向上した中国人は「愛国心」の誇りが高くなるにつれて、国家・共産党の指導者は経済力と「愛国心」の増大を背景に近隣諸国との領土領海問題をめぐって実効支配しようとしている。つまり、中国は経済力+「愛国心」によって自信が倍増し、それが領土領海問題の現状を変えさせる力となりつつある。


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Malaysian economy catching up with Singapore: Back-of-the-envelope calculation

Prime Minister Dato' Sri Najib Razak presented the 11th Malaysia Economic Plan (MEP) for 2016-2020 to the Parliament on 21 May 2015. This plan is titled Anchoring Growth on People. Essentially, this 5-years plan envisages that per capital gross national income (GNI) will expand to RM54,000 (US$15,690) from RM36,937 in 2015 in current price. In order to achieve this target, Malaysian government has set an annual growth rate of 5-6%. The anticipated result will make Malaysia as a fully developed nation by 2020, which is defined as per capita GNI above US$15,000. The target is consistent with the goal set forth in Vision 2020 launched in 1991. The projected annual growth rate over the next 5 years is realistic and achievable if all ingredients prepared for the growth menu are fully utilized.

Having said that, however, the economic strength of Malaysia in terms of per capita GNI is and will continue to be far behind Singapore. Assuming 5-6% is the potential growth rate, Malaysia may achieve a higher growth rate, say at 7% annually until 2030. Let also assume that Singapore's economy will growth at 2.1% (the projected annual growth rate of developed nations in the 11th MEP). Per capital GNI in 2013 for Malaysia and Singapore was $10,430 and $54040, respectively. By 2030, Malaysia will have a per capita GNI of $32,946, whereas a Singaporean national income will reach $76,940--2.3 times higher.

If convergence hypothesis applies to these two countries, in order for Malaysian per capita GNI to converge to the same level of Singapore by year 2030, Malaysia's annual growth rate would have to set at 12.5% for the period between 2013-2030. This is indeed a herculean task, if not an impossible mission!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015



バブル経済の末期であった1990年1月に遡ってみると、就業者数は6,188万人であったのに対して完全失業者数は139万人であった。 2000年1月にはそれぞれ6,450万人、318万人であった。安倍晋三氏が再び総理大臣に就任した翌月(2013年1月)では就業者数と完全失業者数はそれぞれ6,289万人、279万人であった。最新の数字によれば、2015年4月に就業者数は6,338万人であり、完全失業者数は219万人であった。


アベノミクスの最も大きなウェートを置いてきた黒田日本銀行総裁の「異次元の金融緩和」という側面から評価してみよう。つまり、第一本の矢はマネタリー・ベースで約300兆円となっており、円対ドルの為替レートは40%以上減価されてきた。前者は未だに総合CPIが0.6%となり、2%目標に達していない。後者は輸出依存の企業または海外で直接投資等の収益や所得に依存する企業にとって収益が拡大し続いている反面、輸入依存の企業や民間消費等にとって 財・サービスが高くなってきたのは多くの人々が実感しているに違いない。


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Malaysia: why not aims higher?

PM Najib Razak argued that "Malaysia is not as corrupted as international media claims" on 18 May. For details, read this FMT's article.

PM Najib Razak rationalized his statement by elaborating that Malaysia has improved three ranks higher to 50th in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index 2014 (CPI) . Also, he cited the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business 2014 (EDB)  that Malaysia is ranked 18th. He also emphasized that "Bloomberg has rated Malaysia as the 5th most promising emerging market in 2015 and the only ASEAN country in its "Top 10.""

This blogger insists to compare Malaysia with Singapore. As such, Singapore is ranked the first in EDB, whereas it is ranked 7th in CPI. If Singapore have achieved such impressive results, why not Malaysia? This is not a "RM42 billion" question!

It is indeed disappointing that as the Malaysian leader, PM Najib Razak did not make a case that Malaysian must not be satisfied with its present rating by EDD, CPI and Bloomberg. Instead, he ought to have pushed the country to strive for TOP 10 lists of ranking.

Insha'Allah, Malaysia surely can delivers better results or should fellow Malaysians continue to chant Malaysia Boleh lah....!!!??

Friday, May 15, 2015

PISA Results: Awakening Call for Malaysia!?

OECD Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 shows that 15 years old Malaysian are far less capable than Singapore in understanding and applying their knowledge in mathematics, reading and science.

Malaysia is ranked 52 out of 65 countries in Mathematics. OECD average mean score in this subject is 494. Malaysia scored 421 whereas Singapore is 573 and is thus it is ranked 2nd. As for reading, OECD average mean score is 496. But Malaysia's score is 398 whereas Singapore is 542. In science, Malaysian students achieved 420 whereas their peers in Singapore attained 551 vis-a-via OECD's average of 501.

Equally astonishing, not withstanding a higher teachers' salaries in Malaysia--relative to per capita GDP, which is about 210%, the performance of Malaysian 15 years old students did not commensurate to the public resources allocated for. On the contrary, Singaporean teachers' salaries were about 130% but their 15 years old performed extremely well in comparison not only to Malaysia but with other 64 countries. Thai students even performed better than Malaysian students with with lower teachers' salaries, i.e., 125% of per capita GDP.

Malaysian policy decision makers and legislators are shocked of the Malaysian students' performance in PISA. For example, DPM cum Minister of Education Muhyiddin Yassin expressed his shocked--"The issue that we are facing........is why our education system is not as advanced as developed countries despite the huge funds being pumped into the education." Furthermore, MP Ong Kian Ming raised his concern--".........we are far from being anywhere close to a 'world-class' education system at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels."

My previous posting highlighted why there is a huge differences Malaysia and Singapore in terms of development level being measured in GDP per capita. This broad query indeed applies to many other problems (such as 15 years old capability in mathematics, reading and science) in Malaysia. It is hoped that PISA result is the awakening call for Malaysian leaders and policy decision makers in undertaking measures to improve the social economic situations that are indeed objectively far from satisfactory!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Malaysia and Singapore: Why the Difference?

When Malaysia and Singapore separated in 1965, their economic conditions were almost the same. But 50 years after, the economic strength of Singapore is greater than Malaysia. GDP per capital at current price for Malaysia and Singapore was US$10,538 and US$55,182, respectively, in 2013. Singapore is five times higher than Malaysia.

In terms of constant 2005 US$, it was US$1,173 and US$2,915, respectively, in 2013. In purchasing power parity 2001 international dollar, it was $22,589 and $78,237, respectively, in 2013. The graphs below show the distinct differences between the two countries.

Both countries were British colonies and thus inherited with quite similar political and economic institutions at the time of their independence. However, those initial conditions did not warrant a similar economic performances over time. Is this different outcome the result of leadership or the outcome of different economic policies or a combination of these two broadly defined factors?

Most likely, it does not require a genius or a Nobel economics laureate to explain the underlying reason. Instead, it is obvious that the citizens in both countries could explain what made the difference quite easily.

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Historians' Open Letter to Mr. Shinzo Abe

On 7 May, 187 historians--including renowned scholars like Ronald P. Dore, John W. Dower, Akira Iriye, Tetsuo Najita, Ezra F. Vogel--have written an Open Letter to Mr Shinzo Abe ("Open Letter in Support of Historians in Japan").


"This year presents an opportunity for the government of Japan to show leadership by addressing Japan’s history of colonial rule and wartime aggression in both words and action......"

"The process of acknowledging past wrongs strengthens a democratic society and fosters cooperation among nations. Since the equal rights and dignity of women lie at the core of the “comfort women” issue, its resolution would be a historic step toward the equality of women and men in Japan, East Asia and the world."

Mr. Abe, in preparing your statement for the 70th Anniversary of WWII, it is wise and also will surely be useful by studying [sic.] the speech delivered by the late President Richard von Weizsacker (then President of West Germany) on 8 May 1985.

If not, then you will be judged as: "only a fool learns from experience, the wise man learns from history."

Friday, May 08, 2015


米連邦準備理事会(FRB)のイエレン議長は5月6日に米国の株価は「かなり高い(quite high)」と指摘した。イエレン議長の発言は株価の割高に対する口先介入であろう。その結果、6日のNYダウは-82ドル、7日の日経平均は-239円、香港ハンセンは-350HKドル、上海総合は-117元、ロンドンのFTSE100は-46GBP等の主要株式市場の指数が揃って下落した。今後、果たして主要なマーケットの株価はイエレン議場の警鐘を受けて適切に調整されるのだろうかと細心の注意を払いたい。

90年代のITバブル期に、グリーンスパン元FRB議長が1996年末に「根拠なき熱狂(irrational exuberance)」という表現で米国の株高に警鐘を鳴らしたが、株高の趨勢は2000にかけて続いた。株価とは将来の期待利益から形成される。その期待感は株の売手と買手各々によって異なる。口先介入はその期待感に対して影響を与えようとしているが、現実に株の売り買いという需給の調整に及ぼすのに時間が要する。したがって、グリーンスパン氏の警鐘は無視されたままに株価が上昇し続いたのである。

イエレン議長の警鐘は恐らく短期的に効果がないと考える。上述したようにマーケットの株価指数は揃って下落したが、それも極短期間(一日二日程度)の変動であるに違いない。米国の株高は実物経済における各々関係企業の期待利益を反映されているとは限らない。最も株式市場への資金流入は先進国・地域の0.0〜0.5%の金利、ならびに量的緩和によって引き起こされた結果である。株の保有者(購入者)は有り余った資金を株式市場に投資し、金利より高い配当と株価のキャピタルゲインの両方から利益を追求しようとしている。その結果、株価は実物経済と乖離し、株の投資家は自己 充足的予言(self-fulfilling prophecy)の行動を取ってしまうのである。つまり、皆が株に投資するから株価は上昇し、その結果、株価は現実に上昇するに違いない。


Thursday, May 07, 2015

The Rise of Renminbi

The Financial Times on 5 May has an article entitled "China share in global indices set to rise."

You can read it in less than 5 minutes. Quite persuasive in terms of Renminbi long-term value and its increasing role in the international economy. If you are convinced, perhaps you should park your savings in Renminbi-denominated assets.

Oops, standard disclaimer applies here: "this article is not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular investment or course of action."




Tuesday, April 28, 2015




還有、 我也代表我們的家人特別的尊心感謝創價學會吉隆坡分會PJ243支部旳各位會友替我們的父親勤行和祈念父親即身成佛向着靈鷲山出發、向日蓮大経人報告、今生廣布使卻完成。以青純的生命出生在有御本尊的地方。

我親愛的父親因多年的糖尿病、高血壓等影響的病、醫治無效、所以仙逝。我們非常痛惜和非常悲哀。但是 、這三天𥚃我們家人看到各位親朋好友、名位會友対我父親的闋心、支持、尊敬以及愛載、我父親的上天之靈一定非常的欣慰。在以、我們再次表示深深的感謝。




Friday, April 24, 2015

My Father

It is with the greatest sadness that my father—Lau Choon Kit—has passed away in the morning of 23 April at the age of 78 years. He was the fourth child of Chinese immigrants from Fujian Anxi. Before he married my mother, he was a primary school teacher in Kuala Lumpur. He later started his own business which he experienced both good and bad times. He retired at a relatively early age for health reasons but he was always positive about life. He has dealt with his diabetes and related illness gallantly in recent years in general and in the last two weeks in particular.

He had always cared about his children’s education. He had never coerced us in taking up specialties of his choice but he gave us visionary guidance in terms of our study abroad destinations. As a consequence, our seven siblings were spread out across the Pacific—in Tokyo, Los Angeles, Sydney and Malaysia—from 1983. I have always joked with him that: “Father, you are more far sighted than all the leaders from APEC, because you have Lau family’s branches in key places at the Pacific Rim” and he always noted smilingly. He was always proud of his seven children’s attainment--four Ph.D. (two from Japanese universities, one each from an American and an Australian university, respectively), two Masters (Japan and Australia), and one undergraduate (Japan).

The siblings are so grateful for his care and love, without which, we could not have achieved what we are now. Although he did not live an extravagance life but he has always feel more than luxury to watch our achievements. Our family will certainly miss him more than words can say, particularly the thunder of his voice. Although we mourn him with great sorrow, but at the same time we also cheer him for embarking on a new journey. “Father, your memory will live on with us forever. May you look over us—just like you have always done—from the other side ”

 “I don’t know what they are called, the spaces between seconds– but I think of you always in those intervals [sic.]” ― Salvador Plascencia, The People of Paper