Sunday, December 16, 2012

16 December 2012: General Election in Japan

Today is the 25th General election in Japan (since 1945). There are more than 12 political parties competing to govern Japan in next four years. Public opinion polls show that Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is likely to win a simple majority in this lower house election.

A spectrum of policy choices manifested by each political party include revitalizing the economy, for or against the use of nuclear energy, pro or anti Trans-Pacific Partnership (a free trade agreement among 12 countries) negotiation, amendment of constitution, reform in education and others. Thus, unlike the previous election when the electorate's choice was clear: LDP or the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). In this general election, the voters would have to choose which political party offers the most effective and realistic policies that could be the best for the country in the next four years.

Regardless of the outcome, it is likely that Japanese will not remember the names of political parties listed below that compete for their votes.

The Democratic Party of Japan
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
New Komeito
Japanese Communist Party
Social Democratic Party
Tomorrow Party of Japan
Your Party
Japan Restoration Party
People's Party
New Party Daichi-Shinminshu
New Party Nippon
New Renaissance Party
Green Wind
People's Life First
The Sunrise Party
The Sunrise Party of Japan
Tax Cut Japan
Kizuna Party

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Myanmar: FDI

Here is my second op-ed on Myanmar in the Myanmar Times, 29 October 2012.

"Foreign Direct Investment: Clearing the Infrastructure Bottlenecks."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Article in Myanmar Times

Here is the link to my article on Myanmar, jointly written with Professor Tan Kim Song of Singapore Management University, published in Myanmar Times on 24 September 2012.

Friday, September 28, 2012



Friday, August 31, 2012

Hari Merdeka

31 August 2012 marks the 55th Independence Day of Malaysia (Hari Merdeka). Since gaining independence from the British colonial rule in 1957, Malaysia's economy has grown from low income to upper middle income level.

According to the World Bank, GDP per capita has grown from USD299 in 1960 to USD9,686 in 2011, an annual growth rate of about 7% in the last five decades. It is indeed an impressive performance, but Malaysia could have done even better. Singapore, the closest competitor,  has shown a much better growth performance which has an annual growth rate of  9.8% over the same period. Singapore's GDP per capita is USD46,241 in 2011, which is 4.7 times more than a Malaysian. Also, Singapore ranks 19th in the World Bank's list, which is higher than Japan.

It does not require a nobel laureate in economics to explain the underlying reason for the performance gap between Malaysia and Singapore. The leaders have the answer but unfortunately they are not willing to deliver it. Even worst, a major press media Star which serves as the fourth branch government in Malaysia opines that Malaysians should satisfy with the present outcome instead of complaining that government should have done more (see my posting on 22 August 2012).

While all Malaysians ought to support their government, it is also true that every Malaysia has the right to demand a leadership that would deliver a better economic performance that commensurates to the country's potential.

Saturday, August 25, 2012






Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Press in Malaysia

I was astonished to read an opinion article in Star Online (19 August 2012) entitled "Let's be honest in assessing our in assessing our achievements." It claims that "As a people, Malaysians tend to be picky and self-deprecating to the point of overlooking our strengths as a nation."

This assertion was based on the fact that the economy has grown 5.4% in the second quarter, which is relatively high when compared with developed and other emerging economies. In addition, Star contends that Malaysians should appreciate the growth benefits instead of complaining that the government should have done more.

On the one hand, from psychological point of view, Star's opinion can be regarded as "my glass is still half full" instead of "my glass is half empty." On the other hand, Star can assert that Malaysian economy could have performed better, and Malaysians have the right or entitlement to choose a new leadership or new government that could deliver a higher growth benefits. I bet that most rakyat Malaysia are demanding the latter.

It is unfortunate that, in spite our level of development, the Star is still the fourth branch of government instead of transforming itself to become the fourth estate.



Monday, January 02, 2012

India-Japan Economic Relations

Here is my article on "India-Japan Economic Relations," written for the purpose of raising greater awareness of the current situation, constraints, and the way forward with regards to the bilateral economic relations, in conjunction with Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's official visit to Dehli on 28 December 2011.