Friday, July 31, 2015

Quiz for JPY100/RM3

The lip of truth shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.

It seems to me that this proverb exemplifies two individuals. Ring a bell?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

PM Najib Razak New Cabinet Line Up: 28 July 2015

Click here: PM Najib Razak New Cabinet Line Up.

A self-proclaimed transformational leader, will PM Najib Razak with his new cabinet members transform Malaysia into a freer, more transparent, more democratic, enhanced multi-racial society--1 Malaysia?

Insha' Allah.

Friday, July 24, 2015




日本では「異次元金融緩和」は果たして物価上昇をもたらすのかという問いについて当面回答が得られないと思う。一般的に、日米欧の中央銀行は金融政策の運用に「フォワード・ルッキング(forward looking)」という手法が定着しており、市場に対して次期以降にわたって政策の最適化を調整する必要があり、そのためにベンチマックの指標を設定しなければならない。FRBのエレン議長は失業率と非農業部門の就業者数という二つの指標を重視している。それに対して、黒田総裁のフォワード・ルッキングのベンチマークは総合CPIや失業率の指標ではなく、「あらゆる角度から見て物価は確実に上昇する傾向にある」というセリフである。ブルームバーグ社はこれまでの黒田総裁の発言に呆れており、遂に皮肉的に「日本銀行はインフレを想像しているのみ(Bank of Japan Only Imagines Inflation)」と題する記事を発信した。その通りであると拍手を送りたい。


Stephen Harnerは安倍総理の安保法案が成立されれば、それが日米安保条約を撤廃するきっかけになると指摘している。当該エッセイは「Abe's Security Law Putsch: The Undoing of the US-Japan Alliance」と題し、説得力がある。


Thursday, July 23, 2015


政府は22日に東シナ海における中国のガス田開発の海洋プラットフォーム12基の航空写真を公表した。政府はこれらの建設について既に第1基を2013年6月に確認されており、 第2期以降の建設をもモニタリングしてきた。東シナ海で日中の境界を明確に画定されていないが、12基の施設は日中中間線の中国の海域で作られているようである。また、当海域でのガス田開発を巡って両国は2010年7月27日に条約締結交渉を開始したが、尖閣諸島沖で起きた中国の漁船と海上保安庁の巡視船との衝突事件によって交渉が中止されたままである。にもかかわるず、中国は一方的に自分の海域内で強行に施設の建設を行っている。その行為は日本にとって由々しき事態であるのは明らかである。





Sunday, July 19, 2015



雇用者(買手)は労働者を「非正規の職員・従業員」として採用する最大な理由の一つとして労働コストの抑制である。政府の正社員化に対する助成金の支給は雇用者のコスト増を軽減させる効果がある。「非正規の職員・従業員」は正社員に転換すれば、給料 の増加のみならず、健康保険料や厚生年金保険 料等は労使折半になるというメリットを受けられる。



年収510万円に該当する女性の職種は次の通りである。看護師は511.3万円(平均年齢は31,4歳)、薬剤師は510.3万円(33.3歳)、准看護師は487.3万円(41.4歳)、福祉施設介護員は364.7万円(33.5歳)、ホーム・ヘルバーは362万円(41.5歳)、幼稚園教諭は292.2万円(29.4歳)、である。他方、男性に関して保育士(保母・保父)は 508万円(39.6歳)、看護師は476万円(29.5歳)、理学療法士・作業療法士は456万円(31.8歳)、準看護師は423万円(39.8歳)、福祉施設介護員は316万円(29.5歳)、看護補助員は249万円(28.5歳)、である。


Friday, July 17, 2015


中国統計局によれば、2015年第2四半期(4〜6月期)のGDP成長率は1.7%伸び(季節調整済)、季節調整を除いて年率に換算して前年同期比7.0%の成長率である。中国のGDP規模は約1,200兆円(約60兆元)であり、年率7%の成長 とは約84兆円の増加に相当する。中国の経済規模が大きくなればなるほど、その伸び率が従来より低くなったとしても金額的に大きなものとなるのは明らかである。



Wednesday, July 15, 2015



That assembly is no assembly which does not have in it elders
Those who do not speak according to dharma are no elders
That dharma is no dharma which is not rooted in truth
and that truth is no truth which is full of deviousness or cunning



(出所:SPF、2007、『日本とインドの文明間対話』、p. 97)




Thursday, July 09, 2015



これらの領域に関わる具体的な取り組みを実施するために、日本は2016年度より3年間で7,500億円のODAを関係国に供与することを表明した。 日本は当首脳会議を通じてこれまで3年置きに関係国に対する経済支援の規模を約束してきた。既に2009年に第1回首脳会議では5,000億円、2012年に第4回では6,000億円を供与していた。今回の供与額を合わせると計18,500億円となった。また、安倍総理および岸田外相は日本の供与額がメコン諸国における「良質なインフラ(quality infrastructure)」と「良質な成長(quality growth)」の推進に貢献することにあると強調した。




次に、米国のTransparency Internationalが作成した175カ国の「腐敗認識指数2014」によれば、ラオス、カンボジア、ミャンマー、タイとベトナムはそれぞれ145位、156位、156位、119位、85位となっている(ちなみに、日本は15位である)。貴重な税金で賄うODAを供与し、メコン諸国との協力・連携を強化するどころか、各関係国の腐敗を助長する懸念を払拭することができない。

第三に、「良質なイフラ」とは 高品質、安全、環境保全や持続可能な開発を確保することを保障するインフラのことを指す。また、「良質なインフラ」は効率な経済成長をもたらすことも意味する。前者に関して政府間の国際協力や企業部門において欠かせない行動規範となりつつある。後者については希少な資源である資本を効率的に使用することである。そして、「良質な成長」とは人、社会、経済、環境等の諸側面に対して優しく、かつ包括的な経済成長のことを指す。「良質なインフラ」は「良質な成長」の実現にとって必要条件であることが明らかである。カンボジア、ラオス、タイ、ベトナムの2000-2014年の期間における限界資本生産量比率(incremental capital output ratio, ICOR)の平均値を試算してみれば、それぞれは17.6、2.5、29.3、3.5である。つまり、1単位の成長を実現するために、それぞれの国は17.6単位、2.5単位、29.3単位、3.5単位の投資が必要とする意味である。明らかにカンボジアとタイは極めて投資の効率性が悪い。そうした観点から、「良質なインフラ」を推進するために日本のODAを供与すると日本政府が考えているのであろう。しかしながら、果たして投資効率が悪い経済に日本のODAによって「良質なインフラ」が確立されるかという疑問が残る。


Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Presumption of Innocence

The Wall Street Journal (2 July) claims that PM Najib Razak received about US$681 million transfer to his personal account on 21 and 25 March 2013. PM Najib Razak has denied and declared that: "I have never taken funds for personal gain as alleged by my political opponents--whether from 1MDB, SRC International or other entities, as these companies have confirmed." In light of this allegation, there are tons of rumors and speculations flying everywhere within and outside Malaysia.

Many observers have asked a valid question: why PM Najib did not deny outrightly that he does not has a bank account in AM Private Banking; or if PM Najib indeed owns a bank account in AM Private Banking, why he did not deny he did not receive the alleged transfer. Either one is a US$681 million question.

There are already people who speculated that PM Najib spent that sum in 2013 General Election which was held on 5 May 2013. Under his leadership, Barisan National received 5,237,699 popular votes that brought 133 parliamentary seats. Contrary the opposition--Pakatan Rakyat--received 5,623,984 popular votes that brought them 89 parliamentary seats. Notwithstanding lesser popular votes, Barisan National became the ruling coalition in which PM Najib continued to serve as the Prime Minister.

If the alleged sum was used in the election, then PM Najib had hijacked at least 21 seats from the opposition (simple majority: 112-seats). In this scenario, then the cost of a parliamentary seat was about US$32.43 million. The unit cost might be lower if vote-buyings were spread evenly across all 222 constituents (about US$3.07 million per constituent). Or, the alleged sum was spent on every vote for Barisan National, then the cost of a vote was US$130 (about RM450 in May 2013).

If the claim by Wall Street Journal is corroborated, then its quite natural to ask where PM Najib has spent that fund. If that fund was spent in the last general election as being speculated, then will the Election Commission declared that election is void and it will recall a general election? How much is this question worth?

Anyhow, presumption of innocence has to apply to PM Najib--presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Implementing Minimum Wage in Myanmar: Good Intent but be Vigilant

The debates of enacting minimum wage law in Myanmar have been continuing in the past two years but there is still no definite outcome. Recently, President Thein Sein has informed Pyithu Hluttaw (House of Representative) that the government will propose a minimum wage policy at the end of June. Pyithu Hluttaw will then have 60-day period to debate and comment on the government’s proposal. On that basis, the government will decide the minimum wage before November. President Thein Sein’s initiative on minimum wage is seen as a crucial decision by the government ahead of the forthcoming general election in November.

Minimum wage is the wage floor of employed people. Minimum wage policy is controversial among economists. The advocates assert that minimum wage helps to ensure every employed person receives an income that is above the minimum cost of living. The difference between subsistence and a wage warranted by minimum wage becomes an enhanced incentive for workers. Moreover, minimum wage promotes fair competition in the labor market. The opponents argue that minimum wage causes higher labor cost that is not determined by demand and supply. Particularly, if the minimum wage for the un-skilled or low-skilled workers is set above market clearing wage (i.e., market equilibrium wage), it causes a higher unemployment rate for this group of labor supply.

Minimum wage can become a double-edge sword. Although the employed people are better off from the minimum wage, but it affects the employers’ affordability for wage payment. There are numerous empirical evidences in the developing countries that sudden introduction of minimum wage that is above employers’ payment ability had indeed triggered the closure of marginal firms. Thus, in Myanmar’s context, defining what are the appropriate levels of minimum wage across a spectrum of industries and in the Union territories across regions and states have to be supported by convincing empirical evidences. Equally important, as a latecomer in the increasing integrated world economy, Myanmar has to take into account of the following points as the terms of reference for setting a minimum wage policy.

First, Myanmar is still a low-income country according to the classification of the World Bank. The share of agricultural sector in gross domestic products (GDP) is higher than the share of industrial sector. This implies that whereas agricultural sector is endowed with abundance of labor and most of them are self-employed and their incomes are at subsistence, while industrial sector is still at rudimentary stage but it can certainly achieve a relatively high growth rate if there is sufficient capital. The present conditions in Myanmar can adopt Lewis model for promoting industrialization. In the nutshell, Lewis model depicts that industrialization is the development process of absorbing surplus labor from agricultural sector to industrial sector. As a consequence, industrial sector can maintain a competitive wage at subsistence level until surplus labor is exhausted. From this theory, it becomes apparent that the wage floor of minimum wage has to be the subsistence wage until surplus labor is exhausted. Minimum wage above the subsistence level induces unemployment in cities as a result of rural-urban labor migration. These unemployed migrants in turn cause the formation of informal sector or urban slums that exacerbate poverty and inequality.

Secondly, a profit-maximizing employer wants to pay a wage that minimizes total labor costs. That level of wage is known as efficiency wage and it is higher than market clearing wage. Market clearing wage is the market equilibrium wage but efficiency wage is higher than market clearing wage. Efficiency wage minimizes total labor costs because it induces a higher labor productivity that offsets the difference between efficient wage and market clearing wage. Put differently, the net gain of labor productivity from efficiency wage is higher than the wage differential between efficiency wage and market clearing wage, hence efficiency wage in fact brings down total labor costs. In this regard, if minimum wage was set above market clearing wage, then it becomes an incentive for the employees to raise their labor productivity. Conversely, if minimum wage was set at or below market clearing wage, there is no incentive for employees to improve their productivity. Worse still, the turnover rate instead will increase in this case, which consequently causes higher labor costs.

Thirdly, labor market is characterized by the asymmetry of information between employers and employees. As such, by paying the market-clearing wage, employers are unsure if they are able to retain their employees for a reasonable period. In order to reduce turnover rates, employers incline to pay efficiency wage so as to motivate their workers to remain in their firms. Furthermore, efficiency wage is also an incentive for the workers to raise their productivity. In this context, the concern for the employers is what is the appropriate level of efficiency wage. Efficiency wage is influenced by at least two factors. The first one is with regard to the wage paid by other firms. In other words, if other firms are paying a lower efficiency wage, then for the firm concerned there is only a need to pay slightly higher efficiency wage to motivate its workers. Equally crucial, an employee in the firm concerned clearly knows that if he or she is dismissed, the opportunity to receive similar wage is low. The second factor is the unemployment rate. A higher unemployment rate motivates firm to set a lower efficiency wage. In this situation, it is apparent for a worker to recognize that it is not easy to seek another employment opportunity that gives the same efficiency wage.

If Myanmar will adapt an outward-oriented development strategy—that has characterized the development process of most of the East Asian countries, it is crucial to set a correct level of minimum wage. Myanmar’s labor cost is lower in comparison with neighboring countries. According to the survey conducted by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), average wage of a factory worker in Yangon, Dhaka, Phnom Penh, Vientiane, Colombo, Da Nang, Chennai and Bangkok was $71, $99, $101, $111, $130, $137, $199, $363, respectively, in 2014. Thus, currently the wage of Yangon’s factory workers is considered as the cheapest in South and Southeast Asian cities.

Equally important, the outward-oriented development strategy has to be consistent with Myanmar’s initial conditions, viz., abundance of labor and cheap labor cost. Utilizing these advantages, coupling export-oriented development with labor-intensive industrialization is certainly a good and realistic policy choice. Considering this crucial perspective for promoting development in general and economic growth in particular, the setting of minimum wage policy has to take into consideration of the three crucial points that this article has illustrated.